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Christine Roux

Founder, Partner

photo cr.jpg

With a diploma as a commercial employee and a language stay in Australia, I began my professional career in an international school. The administrative and financial management of personal insurance quickly held no more secrets for me. I then went on to experience as an administrative assistant and then head of administration in the most varied fields: tax and financial consulting firm, international school, golf club, construction, medical clinic or IT company. I draw up brochures, offers and contracts, manage teams, organize events, take care of mail, payments, invoicing, salaries, communication or accounting, also proving myself in the real estate sector. I have thus acquired, over the years, a thorough and complete mastery of all aspects related to asset management, project monitoring and administrative and financial support.

My twenty years of experience within multiple companies, I now put them to the benefit of my own clients. Professional and anxious to best meet their needs, I attach particular importance to mutual trust and listening.

Professional experience in the fields

International / Financial / Real Estate / Construction /  Education / Sports / IT


from 2020

Make it Easy Sàrl

Founder - Associate Director

The corporate desire for DNA

The COVID-19 crisis and the issues it raised prompted me to found Make it Easy by offering an ultra-personalized service offer. Because, I like to bring solutions, ideas, project follow-up, and above all, I like people and I like to help them



Crans Montana

Executive Secretary CEO & Communication

Preparation of offers and contracts

Elaborationand Writing of the newsletter

Establishmentand management of social networks and internal communication

Memberof the communication committee, Development of the website

Managing the CEO's diary

Taking minutes – Management, Communication, Administration meeting


Valere Clinic,

If we

Admissions Collaborator

A trip around the world canceled; I joined the admissions team then 4 months pregnant.

Reception of patients and visitors

Check-in hospital and outpatient stay

Intervention planning – summoning patients


Sion Golf Club,

If we

Administration and reception team manager - 

Replacement of the Club-Manager, 2011-2013

Responsible, according to the directives of the committee, the organization, administration, execution and control of the operation of golf.

Responsiblethe reception team and the secretariat

Management of schedules and holidays

Communication – Marketing - Social networks, Newsletters

Sponsorship,Organizationgolf competitions,catering

Management of HCPs, member files and new members


Minutes taken – Committee meeting


T2i Group,


Technical-Administrative Collaborator

Purchase and resale of computer equipment and various licenses (negotiation- financial monitoring)

Updatein 2019 of the park “Licensing» hosted customers

Responsibleof the Services Provider License Agreement (SPLA)

Customer anti-virus license management

Tenant Passport Advandage License Management


Global Hospitality Education

The rocks,


Line Manager Assistant

Assistant to the Front & Back Office Manager

Management of cash, mail, callsinternational

Assisting students, teachers and visitors



Tax & Financial

Roux and Associates,

If we

Administrative assistant 

Administrative management of companies

Human ressources: Salaries, social charges, recruitment announcements

Real estate: Rental & property search

Accountingof companies and individuals

Payments & Assistance to ainternational clientele


Swiss Education Group, Montreux

Head of Department - Health Insurance Coordinator

Establishmentof the department following the centralization of 4 international schools.

Responsibleof the 4 sites department

Researchpartnershipspecialized in the field

Financial management of insurance for all students

Medical management and follow-up of files  

Administrative management of insurance for all students

Implementation of procedure and guide brochure



Vatel Switzerland,Pedagogical days, trainingscontinue

Discussed subjects:


HES-SO Valais-Wallis,Pedagogical days, trainingunequal.

Themes addressed:


Vatel Switzerland, SCHAUDER HR

train the trainer


Inst. fed. advanced studies in vocational training (IFFP)

P300 Pedagogical Training


IFFP, Lausanne

continuing education

Mandate and function of Expert in vocational training for the hotel and catering trades (SPECO-SPH-SPR)


University de Lausanne,trainingcontinue

"Artificial Intelligence: Major changes, what impacts"



Make it Easy Sàrl

Become independent

I decide to conceive my last baby that I baptize "Make it Easy". 

The desire to realize myself fully, to undertake and to put my skills to the benefit of my clients. An intuition ? An evidence ! I love people, and I love helping them.

Entrepreneurship allows me to reconcile my role as a mother rather well with my role as a business manager.


Caprices Festival, Crans

VIP Back Stage Security

The Paléo experience seduced me so much that I happily accept   to renew this mission at the Capices Festival in Crans.


Paleo Festival, Nyon

VIP Back Stage Security

I was offered the chance, should I say the privilege of joining, for a festival, the Paléo security team at the coveted access control post en  Zone Backstage/VIP. Between the thrill of seeing the artists and a few à la carte anecdotes, I leave with an indelible memory.   

2017 and 2018


Births of Mila and Timéo

A canceled trip around the world, and for good reason, an even crazier adventure arrived in January 2017 with the birth of our daughter.

His little brother quickly joined our family team in 2018 for even more extraordinary discoveries. Next stop: Wedding.



I'm back to the OZ

In 2008, I returned to Australia for 4 weeks, on vacation this time, to see my adopted family again. For more than 20 years, the bond that binds us has remained intact. The absence of social networks in the early 2000s was not right in our friendship. When you love each other, you don't count the miles or the years,  right?

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